Monday, July 30, 2012


Five lane highways crossing the land
from San Diego to Sacramento
different on-ramps with speeds posted
at sixty-five. During rush hour(s) it  slows
to twenty-five but as long as the traffic is moving
there is little complaint. 

The distance from 405 in Huntington Beach 
to the San Gabriel foothills
takes about an hour and a half on a normal day
allowing for construction and other delays
but yesterday the roads were clear. 

Where were all the other travelers
who crowd the roads on weekends?
Was it the cost of gas that kept them home?
Were they watching the Olympics 

or maybe tired from a day at the beach 
and did not want to venture out after 7:00? 

Whatever the case we were given a gift of time,
arrived home refreshed from the trip
animated and excited from an annual visit with friends
ready to settle in to Sunday routines, preparing
for the week ahead, finding it nostalgic to travel 

to the house on Old School House Road nestled 
at the foot of the San Gabriel mountains 

splashing in the swimming pool, cooking chicken on the grill,
playing table games and falling into conversations
about life and morality, laughing at silly things 

enjoying each other's company on a summer day in July. 

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