Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Heat

I hear the news of summer storms
in the desert and mountain regions
flash flood and tornado warnings
cool the land from the relentless heat
some think it will be a reprieve, 

until the sun shines again and humidity
fills the lungs, and the skin sweats,
making death look like a better alternative
than another day of three digit heat.

I lay in a dark room with shutters shut
fans on high and like a lizard in the shade
I lie perfectly still, an iced drink close at hand,
a spray bottle to spritz my face and neck,

Judge Judy on the television 

she's in an air conditioned courtroom 
while her caustic words make her guests
perspire and if they lie she makes them sweat.

What can I make for dinner without 
turning on the stove? A sandwich, 
salad, bowl of cereal or I’ll call my husband 
and ask him to bring home some fast food.

Evening arrives with an accumulation
from daylight hot, stale air intensified
and thoughts about a long night without relief.
I dread tomorrow 
wondering how I will survive
another day of summer heat.

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