Monday, July 27, 2009

I’m Grown Up Now

I stand taller than you,
I’ve learned to make decisions
get from here to there -
work and make my own money

I’m grown up now.

When I was little you used to take care of everything.
You told me where to step, how long I could stay
put me on restriction when I
wandered from your path.
I listened, tried to make you proud
wanted your approval, followed your rules
tried to wear your protective armor but it became too heavy.

You never liked my short shorts, you thought
I was asking for trouble. My grades could
have been better but I liked
spending time with friends.
You never knew about Rueben,
the night I was suppose to be at Irene's,
I went across the border and still dream about him.
I told you the lies you wanted to hear —
but ultimately you are not me.

Everyday I make choices
and most mistakes I can recover from
so I take risks to find out
where you stop and I begin.
My bank account is low but I don’t need your help
I’ll figure it out or live without it.
Yes, I’m putting on weight, don’t worry,
I’ll get it under control…

I don’t care about your traditions.
I won't be handed from my father to a husband.
I want time to explore the world.
maybe I'll emerge a stranger
but in the scheme of things you’ve lived your life
now it is my turn to live mine.

I’m grown up now.

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