Saturday, March 31, 2012

April Fools

Spring is a time for foolish things
like falling in love and watching new life
bloom in dormant trees, plants and seeds.

Watch a speck of green pushing through the soil
a promise of days to come

so in the spirit of surprise
the first day of April
is a time to pull a joke -
food coloring in the milk,

a gummy worm in an apple
or a plastic fly, frozen in an ice cube
all to astound the unsuspecting
to make them laugh at least for a little while.

Glue some coins on a sidewalk
bake a meatloaf in a cupcake cup
and frost it with mashed potatoes
then sprinkle it with bacon bits
all for a laugh or two.

Make a phone call to leave
a message of impending doom
then listen to them howl
when they realize it is only a prank.

The list goes on and on
ideas for tricks to play
to make the first day of April

a memorable one
celebrating spring
and all the happiness in can bring.

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