05:30 P.M. Finding a place for their luggage and backpacks
06:30 P.M. Cleaning up after dinner
07:30 P.M. Working on a model of a helicopter
08:30 P.M. Blowing up the air mattress
09:30 P.M. Falling asleep on the couch
03:30 P.M. Getting up to go to bed
05:30 A.M. Waking up in the morning to have breakfast together
06:30 A.M. Taking showers and baths
07:30 A.M. Getting in the car to go to San Diego
08:30 A.M. Stopping for gas and bathroom breaks
09:30 A.M. Arriving at the San Diego History Museum
10:30 A.M. Lining up for the Titanic Display
11:30 A.M. Waiting in line for the Movie
12:30 P.M. Driving out to Balboa park for a picnic
01:30 P.M Heading back home
02:30 P.M. Stopping at the rest stop for a potty break
03:30 P.M Telling Easter stories in slow traffic
04:30 P.M Arriving home, unpacking car
05:30 P.M. Eating Pizza
06:30 P.M. Watching The Simpsons
07:30 P.M. Playing, Go Fish
08:30 P.M. Blowing up the air mattress
09:30 P.M. Falling asleep on the couch
12:30 P.M. Getting up to go to bed
05:30 A.M. Waking up in the morning to have breakfast together
06:30 A.M. Taking a shower or bath
07:30 A.M. Painting the model pieces for Titanic
08:30 A.M. Gluing pieces together
09:30 A.M. Taking a break outside, playing with the dog
10:30 A.M. Watching “Like Mike” on HBO
11:30 A.M. Fixing lunch: Spam, French toast and eggs
12:30 P.M. Playing outside, talking about “stuff”
01:30 P.M Working on the Titanic model again
02:30 P.M. Playing a board game: Sequence
03:30 P.M Finish watching “Like Mike”
04:30 P.M Cleaning up the house before Bill got home
05:30 P.M. Eating burritos for dinner
06:30 P.M. Watching The Simpsons
07:30 P.M. Playing Concentration
08:30 P.M. Blowing up air mattress
09:30 P.M. Falling asleep on the couch
03:30 P.M. Getting up to go to bed
05:30 A.M. Waking up in the morning to have breakfast together
06:30 A.M. Taking a shower or bath
07:30 A.M. Fixing Chocolate Oatmeal Fudge
08:30 A.M. Playing outside with the dog then reading practice words
09:30 A.M. Watching “Pawn Stars” on T.V.
10:30 A.M. Clean trash can, crush cans, empty dishwasher
11:30 A.M. Fix food for lunch
12:30 P.M. Aaron and Carol arrive with Sally
01:30 P.M Pack up car and say good-bye.
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