Some calendars mark Holy Days of Obligation
a time to go to Mass, pray and fast
religious requirements, a recipe for divine
intervention or the promise of heaven
My personal calendar marks my unholy obligations
appointments with the doctor, dentist and optometrist
health requirements for body, teeth and eyes
to make sure everything is working getting prescriptions
for medicine and lifestyle changes to live a long life
Other special days are vacations some legal
holidays where most everyone takes time off
others for school children, bankers and post office workers
enough to make everyone jealous of the carefree
hours of unstructured play
All the others are schedules of a work day
marked with appointments and deadlines
luncheon dates and speaking engagements
kids soccer matches and dance recitals
everyday life ticked off in increments
Journals of my days on earth
listing the things I find important
the milestones and minutia
most of no historical consequence
but a record of my life all the same
When my days are done and I’m called
before St. Peter at the golden gates
will I be allowed to enter for all the car pooling
and cupcakes baked or will I only be rewarded
for the holy days I remembered to slow down and pray?
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