pictures by Bill
Fourteen dollars to step through the glass doors
of the arboretum along the coast of Mendocino
entering acres of plants and flowers
arranged along walkways and garden settings
rhododendron, daffodils and wild flowers
bursting in an array of colors
catching the sunlight, accenting the shadows
among the magnolias, ferns, and succulents
a chain saw roars then screams disrupt the quiet
is it the oak tree whose branches are being cut
or various evergreens watching the surgery.
Humming birds and bees flit to every flower
small children run off-balance away from their
mothers, while the crows circle overhead.
Elders sit on the benches along the cobblestones
contemplating the joke life plays on everyone
understanding the cycle from seed, plant, to flower
is the same for every living thing
and withering is all part of the plan.
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