Heaven is a place we go, if we’re good,
but do all living things
arrive at the pearly gates when they die?
Do deceased eucalyptus trees adorn
heaven’s paths and do risen squirrels
chatter among the branches?
Do saved whales swim in heavenly oceans
and do angelfish nibble at heaven’s toes?
Seems heaven would not be a wonderful place
if there were no creatures to accompany us.
How fun can it be if everything is peaceful,
no problems to solve, the drama of living
completely resolved?
What appeal could the afterlife hold
if everything we wanted was available?
If rats go to heaven are they cuddly and small,
leaving their rat “ness” in their earthly shells?
Do they forget how to burrow and forage
and reproduce uncontrollably
or do they learn to play harps
and are they content with that?
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