Saturday, June 23, 2012

Love Is What Love Is

Some say it is pheromones
that trigger the reaction called love
a biological response to chemical secretions,
when genetic memory tells the brain

which body is for survival of the species
while the Barbie doll is a commercial invention
confusing generations of young men and women
into thinking, this plastic toy is the ideal. The females

of the species now dye their hair and inflate their breasts
to attract Kens who will buy them everything.
They have no sexual organs so these neutered
models objectify each other, using their relationships

to acquire wardrobes for every occasion
they interact with artificial smiles
in attempt to fool each other, suggesting 
a better match than nature’s imprint

but after years of accumulating things
enlightenment comes along
and puts life in perspective. Barbie and Ken
discover what love is and leave each other behind.

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