When we see another in trouble we offer sympathy,
use our empathetic resources to feel as they do,
the kindness extended to our neighbor
comes from loving them as much as we love ourselves.
When we take-on the care of another living being
we assume all the responsibilities
that come along with every interaction
including the risk of being rejected.
Sometimes we want gratitude for our magnitude
but to the other our behavior is desired
demanded and sometimes resented.
Our anticipated feelings of love and joy discarded
and we do it anyway. Living things create messes
and require food, water, air and understanding
our compassion must surpass any earthly reward.
We offer help because it’s what we want for ourselves
and the key to compassion often overlooked
is, we can’t give what we don’t have
and the only way to get it is to receive it from another
love flows in a back and forth motion.
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