When she was born
all the fairies were invited
offering her gifts of beauty
spirituality, grace, dance, song
and the ability to play any musical instrument.
All would have been lost as a teen
with the curse from the uninvited guest
who asserted that when the princess turned sixteen
she would prick her finger and sleep forever.
The last fairy saved the day
by overriding the curse and restricting
the sleep to one hundred years
when a kiss from a prince
could awaken the princess.
All of these things happened as planned
but if ever there was a plan
for a woman to become an object for adoration
the bequests from the fairies were not the best
their only purpose
was to make her a novelty
to be set upon a shelf and admired.
She would have been immersed
in a different kind of sleep
immobilized on a pedestal
never touched or fully expressed,
an ethereal projection of heaven
strumming on a harp day after day.
What did she dream in that hundred year sleep?
Did she run through the woods, climb mountains,
dig in the dirt, and laugh out loud?
I think if I had written her story
they would have blessed her with strength, cunning, power
and an intelligence to create beyond what others imagined.
She would have compassion and the ability to act
when others quivered,
to love freely,
give generously, bring glory and honor
to all she encountered
leaving the worship and adoration
for later after she lived a full life of action.
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