Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dog is God Spelled Backwards

If ever there was a creature
sent to teach us how to love,
certainly one creature chosen

is the dog
who has the ability to love unconditionally
and show enthusiasm spontaneously

for the littlest of things
to thrill in the experience
of the wilderness or a backyard

romp, responding to children
with a patience and tenderness
yet reacting to a threat

with all the ferociousness
to make anyone quiver
protecting the home with a commanding

bark with a unique ability to heal
when someone is sick
listening when they are sad

and offering friendship
to keep humans from getting too lonely
better than any antidote

or prescription a doctor can offer.
Dogs have been taken to prisons
to humanize the gangsters

and to old folks homes to comfort
the dying, again with that unconditional
love that transcends age, race, and economic

status in a world gone mad
the dog has the power to live on its own
or run in packs but is quite content

to spend his time in the company of humans
susceptible to their whims and fantasies
loyal, faithful and strong.

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