Rumble of the train
traveling at high speed
above the railroad tracks
rocked me back and forth
made me unaware
that what followed
was a dream.
A big man, with long dark hair
covered with a woolen cap
wore a navy coat
fell on top of me, ice cold
took his last breath
an hour ago
and while I struggled for air
tried to push him off
he lay like a pile of wet clothes
heavy and oh so dead.
I started to sweat
panic increased my heartbeat
I pushed him hard
then found myself sitting
upright in bed
“It is only a dream,” I said
and fell back to sleep
where I followed my aunt behind
a rolling hill where she
found her husband
and whispered secrets for hours
none of this worried me
except he died last year.
I looked around and found a path
leading down the hill
to the entrance of a stone church
I could hear the monks chanting within
their heavenly sounds vibrating
from the ground
then I was back on the train
deserted except for me
staring at my reflection
when a young man
walked in wearing
an old army jacket
blood stains on his helmet
he shuffled in and sat
right beside me
I woke up again
untangled the sheets
fluffed the pillow
spread out the blanket
then was on the train again.
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