Some fear that space of time
between words
always talking afraid
they will disappear
if the quiet surrounds
them wiping out their existence
with silence.
Yet for me, those silent
moments are precious
gifts to be valued
I become protective
and aggressive
with anyone who would steal
that treasured stillness
to fill the void with idle chatter
ideas not fully formulated
musing of no relevance
or noise they call music
causing my head to ache.
Gives me time to think
to grow
to sleep
to dream
a place of my own
without distraction
letting observations
take me to new destinations
solving problems without language
or the constant intrusion
of too many questions
let me unwrinkle my mind
letting it expand
creating new inventions
suitable for the future
beckoning me outside the door
where thoughts can be heard
the space where life is silent
the mind unhurried
the body at rest
floodgates opened
then a rush
of imagination
released by angels
ideas to be acted upon
stories to be written
music to be sung
original works
given by god
truths revealed
and filled
with love
until then
let me have my moment
do not disturb
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