I’ve sat at deathbeds praying for miracles
only to have the ones I prayed for die anyway.
I’ve prayed to win the lottery
writing out how I would spend the money
but no windfall came for me.
I still believe in miracles going back to the promise
“If I have faith the size of a mustard seed
I can move mountains.”
Therein lies the problem,
it always comes down to a matter of faith.
Do I believe my prayers will be heard
but more than that will they be granted?
Something simple… I wanted a tattoo…
in the scheme of things not a big deal
didn’t require a miracle
but in my life I’ve never wanted anything
because, by wanting, I get the booby prize,
the brunt of a joke, not quite what I meant.
I end up wishing I didn’t get it
because what it brought was more
then I bargained for.
I wanted a tattoo and got more pain
than I imagined and it was not as beautiful
as when it was first done.
So when it comes to miracles or wanting anything
try to be satisfied with what you get
grateful for all blessings.
Bad luck comes with living
but you can minimize the surprises,
by not wanting too much in life.
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