Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy USA

I recall Marie Antoinette and her court
and realize she was the 1% of her time

her affluence kept her away from the places
where peasants barely subsisted

she spent gold on her own pleasures
unaware of the suffering for the masses

until they revolted and demanded more than charity
wanting liberty from the ruling class.

I live in a different time, systems are in place
to disperse the wealth, unions organized for the workers

to get their fair share but since the downturn
the discrepancy of wealth has become skewed.

Once again a 1% has emerged with losses for the middle class,
burgeoning poverty and overburdened public troughs.

With fewer people working there is less cream to skim
everyone suffers and before the 1% lose their heads

it is time for our leaders to come up with a better plan
or a new leadership will emerge.

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