Celestina didn’t believe in god,
she didn’t have to, because she knew him.
It's a fact, she wasn't crazy
so they believe what she said
felt sad they couldn’t see what she saw
or know god like she knew him.
When bad things happened, her relationship
with god never faltered, these were
not signs that god didn't exist
or that he was particularly cruel
but it all part of an earthly design,
cause and effect, action and reaction.
Prayer lifted her up
above the foray
while others despaired, she sang
praises knowing he was always
near and wouldn’t leave her.
She shared her experiences with others
but temptations on earth are many,
it is easier for people to defy god
or try to take charge, only to be exiled
because of their doubt and pride.
Souls are left to wander in the abyss
forsaken but not forgotten
any time they ask forgiveness
he takes them back into his fold.
There is no need to wear sack cloth
and ashes for public humiliation
Celestina and the other saints
will intercede to help all souls
return to the father.
Saints hold a mirror
not for vanity’s sake but for love.
Trust them to show god's promise
they will escort you to god's path
and invite you to follow.
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