Obedience is like a puppet on a string
laws of physics supersede desire.
Religions and governments
attach one system of beliefs
try to guide the head to see the world
through prescribed rules of order.
Love attaches to the pelvis region
activates the swagger in a step
or the rocking in the dance.
Laws of the land control the hands,
their labor, what and who is touched
and for how long if at all.
The feet are under self control
determining which direction the body
will go. How high it will climb
whether it will run and hide
or kick and fight.
The other parts may think they are
in charge but if the feet don’t hang
around there is nothing left to do.
The moon is bright and the street
a perfect stage for a performance.
The puppeteer is ready but the puppet
decides to rebel.
What once was a coordinated movement
is now a tangled jumble of wood
and string. What a silly grin
on the puppet’s face
letting the audience know
today there won’t be a show.
The puppet needs time off
until the strings are cut
and tied again
more securely this time
to make the puppet
obey once more.
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