Listen to the birds
prattle in the trees
if I let my imagination stray
I understand everything they say.
Most of it is gossip
where they’ve been
and where they plan to be,
who they have seen
and who they hope to see.
There are some arguments among the girls
about which boy they love the most
and the boys, like all boys brag
about who has the biggest wing spread.
They get into a tussle
to prove which one is right
the girls scream and giggle
they always love a fight.
In a few days it will be time
to choose their life long mates
so the nests have to be built
hidden away from predators and pests.
Until then they play their games
flitting from tree to tree
flirting with each other
until it is time for procreation
to sustain their species
for another generation.
I wonder if love really
has anything to do with it
can they experience jealousy?
Will one ever leave the other
or is there something sacred
since there is no original sin?
Does the darkness ever get in
and can they get along
until their time together ends?
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