Thursday, August 11, 2011

Garden Delights

My perfect design for a backyard garden
is semi-jungle, wild and free
my husband, on the other hand, prefers
the area tidy and neat.

Of course he is the kind of guy
who doesn’t like his food to touch
he needs distance between his peas
mashed potatoes and grilled meat.

I tend to like casseroles with a good mix
of flavors and colors. A little bit of this
and more of that for a culinary treat.

The crazy part is when it comes to space
his workroom is a tumble of confusion
and mine, while not perfectly neat seems
to have more organization and breathing room.

We don’t impose our view of the world
on the other person, living in harmony
with our differences and as a result

our garden looks like a jungle half of the time
and when he can’t stand it, he cuts it down
and I have to live with the change until
it goes back to being wild again.

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