Friday, August 26, 2011

Dye It

Alizarin red for her lips
an ultramarine for her eyes
oils preferred over acrylics

when working on canvas
but when an artist is making a dress
the easiest way to color it is to dye it.

Boil the water then
add turmeric for a yellow
onion skins for a beige

or red cabbage for a soft lavender.
Seep the cloth in this mixture
let it dry then it is ready to cut.

Select silks, cotton or muslin
for a daytime summer outfit
or a evening party dress.

The range of colors can vary
by selecting flowers in every hue.
Wear rubber gloves

to keep from staining your hands,
stay away from synthetic materials,
wools are wonderful but be careful

not to shrink them.
Berries or blossoms should be chopped
then boiled and strained.

Let the cloth soak overnight
wash separately after dying.
Vintage clothes can use a quick facelift

by mixing a new color
to surprise your friends
by transforming dowdy to darling.

Health experts give lots of advice
to keep us from dying
but when it come to fashion

go with your artistic instincts
select nature's colors
then just dye it.

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