Teenagers are traditionally late risers
they change so fast they need sleep
to keep up with their growth spurts.
Babies, on the other hand, rise early
grow rapidly but will nap
several times throughout the day.
By adulthood there seems to emerge
two kinds of people, the early bird
and the night owl. Neither understands
the other. The early riser is half way through
the day when the late riser gets out of bed
bills have been paid, newspapers read,
dog walked, and weeds plucked.
She is already out the door
when her opposite comes stumbling out.
The late riser does not warm up until
6:00 P.M. when a momentum is reached
and he will be busy long after midnight
doing whatever the late riser does
‘till just before the sun rises
when the early bird, who is tucked away,
wakes up to start a new day day.
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