The parable of the talents
tells the tale of three men
given talents by the master
The first one was given
many talents and doubled his
gifts as did the second one
each returning more than was given
and rewarded with even more by the master.
The last man was given only one talent
and he buried it
afraid of misusing it,
afraid of losing it,
and afraid of punishment,
he didn’t take any risks and thought
the master would be satisfied
when it was returned
the same as it was given.
Steve Jobs was like the first two
he imagined products then found others
to help make them realities.
He tapped many great inventions of his time
improved them or imagined them more clearly.
I still see him standing
on the stage in his faded jeans
and black turtle neck
I was wowed with his genius
again and again.
Sleep gentle giant
your legacy will live on
your gifts to the world
enriched many lives and will inspire
others to discover their talents
and use them to the best
of their abilities.
… a job well done.
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