So what if I’m a late riser
I’ll defend that right to the end
all kinds of reasons why I should sleep in…
at the end of the day, nothing to show for my effort
so what is the worry about getting up early?
Little actions make me feel productive
but in the long run they don’t make a difference
to anyone, I might as well sleep in.
I don’t watch television and I’m self righteous
about my inaction, I’m better than those
who lie in repose watching TV for hours and hours.
So who cares if I stay up late
and sleep until noon
nothing is going on and one day leads to the next.
I have nothing to show for my effort
maybe I’ll win the lottery
and then I can get myself together
I’m leaving my future in fate’s hands
I have no doubt life will take care of itself
and I’ll do little jobs that don’t make a difference
but they keep me busy
and tranquil, years’ fortunes
were all taken from me.
I tried to hang on but one by one
everything I worked for disappeared
so now my conversation is sprinkled with stories
about days when my work meant something
unlike today when I sleep in
long after the sun rises. I get up
to do little things that don’t make a difference.
Thank goodness for the dog, who sheds
every day, his hairs are everywhere
gives me something to do
Maybe my state benefits will come through
and I’ll get paid for doing nothing
or maybe I’ll win the publisher’s clearing house,
no purchase necessary to participate in the drawing,
and when I win those millions of dollars
no one will complain when I sleep in
they'll want to be my friend and expect me to share
but I’ll be hard pressed to give them much
because with that
kind of money I’ll be too
busy to sleep in.