1954 in New Mexcio

1960 in California

Two Years before she passed away

Three years after her death
Until I was a mother I didn’t know
anything about the sacrifice my mother
made to give birth and to raise
me from conception to adulthood.
I never really understood her commitment
or love so critical to the mix
since she had more than one, ten to be exact,
her efforts must have been on overload.
In some families children don’t make it in life,
sickness or other tragedies prevent their
survival but whether in heaven or on earth
a mother’s love does not falter.
My happiest moments were that of a child
I played under my mother’s loving care
followed the moral code she drilled into me
struggled with the pull for my own independence
and yet, when I had a family of my own
I realized who she was, and what she
gave to me. I could never be indifferent
to her love again.
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