In time of crisis
the faithful and not so faithful
hear the voice of God.
His words are a command
requiring action from the listener.
Saint Paul on his way to Damascus
thrown from his horse
became a convert when he heard the word.
Conversions on the battlefield
are many and well documented.
Spiritual awakenings
when we are in need,
however weak our faith
we call out his name.
I wonder what happens to faith
after so many natural disasters?
Will there be a rise in conversion
across the nations?
If there is a message being hammered in -
“Things Don’t Matter!”
The first views after a catastrophe show
survivors saying, “At least we have each other,”
but days later we see them filtering through debris
looking for their stuff and crying pitifully.
How many will suffer from post traumatic stress?
How many will will be together twenty years later?
How many will become sick because they forgot to cry?
I can remember as a child
when we did something bad
my dad lined us up in order
from the oldest to the youngest
and spanked each one of us
because he wanted us to be good
the lesson worked for some
but wasted on the others.
What revelation from God
will be remembered after the storm?
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