Cut-Up-Poem (a Saturday Evening Post
from cover to cover choosing words and phrases)
Valentine's Day Sale
Share your love
The item is on clearance
A truly unique gift
Woven with care
Captures heart and soul
It has value and beauty
Does it matter?
You be the judge
We make house calls.
Cross-Out Poem (two pages from a catalog
for PBS selling videos of art and history)
Inside Edition
Wish me luck
Height of the cold war
Disturbing incident
Behind the palace door
Scandalous behavior
A complete collection
Winner of rave reviews
Found Poem (Words and phrases
selected at random from a 2 page article on racism)
Colorblind attitudes
Racist attitudes
Stimulating conversations
Transform lives
Share painful
Inform communities
Purveyors of justice
Become one people
United in love
Ransom Note (Words cut and glued from TV Guide)
Hollywood Warning
Pretty Little Liars
Size does matter
Shut down the bar
Open the box
Original sin
Finale shocker
Chance Poem (Two words chosen at random
from side by side pages in a Daily Meditation)
Domestic Violence
An awareness emerges
After the resentment subsides
I no longer need the comfort
Of your kind of power
I finally understand
I have the courage to speak out
To make bold statements
and to develop guidelines
permitting the laws to filter
Inappropriate behavior
in order to squelch fear,
to black-list aggressors,
and to live by the quote
“Kinder and gentler
makes a stronger union.”
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