I didn't use the correct rhyming pattern in the last one so here it is again

An Emerald Sash
She offered me a gossamer gown with an emerald sash -
an ancient woman I met along a path made of cobblestone
Overwhelmed with love I hugged her but she turned to ash
Love, hate, joy, sadness passed before me in a brilliant flash
Who was this woman.. this wizened crone?
She offered me a gossamer gown with an emerald sash
She took my sins and tossed them aside like pieces of trash
then showed me Faith, Hope and Charity as better habits to hone.
Overwhelmed with love I hugged her but she turned to ash
She placed my hand in her wound, a three inch gash
right through her heart, a sorrow I have never known
She offered me a gossamer gown with an emerald sash
I reached for the gown and heard her say, "It’s not your cache
this is a gift you must earn with the virtues I have shown.”
Overwhelmed with love I hugged her but she turned to ash
When I was seventy she hovered above my bed and asked,
“How many good works have you sown?”
She offered me a gossamer gown with an emerald sash
Overwhelmed with love I hugged her and we turned to ash
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