Today was her first day out on the snow
her rented board firmly in hand, the hillside
carefully selected, with enough incline
to accelerate her slide.
Naturally athletic, her first rides were effortless,
making it easy to stay upright.
She maneuvered her board
along the snow banks, carefully avoiding
trees and other riders, competing for space
and cheers from the onlookers, waiting
for her turn to go down the slopes.
With each success she became
a little more daring, choosing a steeper
rise to add greater thrill to her snowboarding.
Her friends, with more experience,
goaded her to take a greater risk
which she accepted atop
the highest peak, trusting herself to succeed.
Nothing in her life prepared her for the speed
with which she sped down the grade,
and without warning the board slipped out
from under her and she toppled
over and over, crashing on to a boulder
with enough force to shatter her elbow.
Other losses flashed before her;
the untimely death of her mother,
friends moving away before she was ready,
a father who refused to acknowledge her,
and John… where was John?
She would always love him.
She heard someone screaming
then recognized her own voice,
the surreal ride in the ambulance,
the rush to the hospital to stabilize her,
surgeons adding a plate and some screws
then sending her home, almost as good as new,
but she never went snowboarding again.
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