I hear it every afternoon
the thump, thump, thump
from the teenager’s drum.
In a little while
his friends arrive,
each with a different instrument.
Then it begins
the discordant sounds
of becoming great,
but until then, my ears are assailed
with all their missteps,
mishandled cords,
and mangled melodies.
I close the windows
and water the plants,
turn on the T.V. as loud
as I can but to no avail
even my walls vibrate
with the base guitar,
the squeal from the electric one
goes right through my skin.
This is the way it was
every day for several years
until one day they made music
and added a singer
who made their sound really great.
I dropped a note to let them know.
It seemed it took forever
but now their songs are on the radio.
I saw them on T.V., “Hey guys, way to go!”
Read about them in the gossip rags
and somehow felt their success was mine
because I didn’t turn them off
or make them stop when they were
nothing but a dull throb against my skull.
Everyone who lives nearby follows
their career and feels a pride...
our local artists made it.
Isn't it fabulous?
What’s that I hear?
The thump, thump, thump of a drum
maybe another star will emerge
from our neighborhood.
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