There are bags of flour,
lined up along the counter
also an arrangement of sugars;
brown, powder and granulated.
Nuts, eggs, butter and oil
sit with cinnamon, nutmeg and of course
every kind of chocolate.
Each item selected according to a recipe,
a few have been handed down,
like gingerbread and sugar cookies
others are new, found online or in magazines.
The key is to start a week before the holidays
with enough time to replace ingredients
if anything burns or doesn’t turn out.
Rituals of dusted rolling pins
and greased baking dishes
a scoop, a pinch, a sprinkle
fill the kitchen with an aroma
and family laughter, easy conversation
and sampling… so much sampling.
Resolve to diet with the New Year
but until then savor
each crumb with someone you love.

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