A noisy sparrow disrupted
the peace, and a whistle
from the neighbor’s teapot,
added to my bad temper.
Attention was on the vast
white page sitting on the screen
and I hated being distracted.
My brain finally revolted
and burst forth like larva,
emerging from an egg.
Soon fingers danced
across the keyboard
and my chronic sorrow
was put aside while
my mind explored the span
of life and was able to
reuse past events to tell
a new tale and rhetoric
became poetic for the first time
in days. I felt equipped
to provide a text that made sense
and a worthy vehicle to express
my innermost thoughts.
I moved from the keyboard
to a legal pad wanting to savor
the words as I formed them
in cursive script dotting
my “i's” with stars
but the reverent prose
gave way to illegible scribbles
I was back in the morass.
I knew it was time to take
a break so I went outside
for a walk and then to the
sink to wash the dishes
and finally back to my computer
to stare at a new page
and hopefully to write again.
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