My mind fills with thoughts of driving late at night
after I turned eighteen there was freedom in my Dad's 56 Chevy
going over 70 miles an hour along the coastline on Highway 101.
The road curved and at any point we could pull over and make-out in the sand.
The balmy California air invited exploration and careless dreaming.
During the family years nighttime driving meant freedom for a few hours
It was great to get away but I was anxious to go home again
to kiss the children while they slept, finish a few tasks,
and maybe cuddle with my husband before the sun rose at dawn.
After the kids were grown, driving at night meant working late,
too tired to enjoy the scenery, the path familiar, blinded by my
desire for a warm meal and my husband’s company for a few hours
before I fell asleep on the sofa to be ready for work the next morning.
Now the thought of driving in the dark scares me. The headlights
distort my vision and the damage to my eyes makes me see things
that are not there. Medication has lowered my response to sudden
moves or changes in direction. I’d rather snuggle in the safety of my home.
Yet, when I recall my earlier years, I do remember with satisfaction
the feeling I had behind the wheel of the car while driving after midnight
The expanse of road calling me forth to adventure and freedom.
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