I call it the happy tree.
It sits off center
in the front yard.
A trunk about two feet in diameter
with branches spreading out like an umbrella.
Some water and occasional trimming
is all it needs to prosper.
It thrives in all seasons
but if I’m feeling down
I sit underneath in it’s shade.
Sadness seems to get
caught by the roots
and offered up to the sky
where it is washed in sunshine
and returned as joy.
Humphrey loves the tree
as much as I do.
He sits by my side
and forgets to bark
allowing others to join us
in the cool shade
of the single tree.
Loneliness gets lost among
the branches when people
stop by to chat
the general malaise
of the whole human race
is forgotten for a little while.
Time slips away,
friends are made,
games are played,
conversations had
to solve world problems,
at least for today.
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