Nearby there is a place where many gather to make a quick buck or peso
It is a city filled with people living on the verge of extreme poverty
There are vagrants, opportunist, thieves, murders and local residents
Vendors who offer everything from illegal drugs to cheap trinkets
It is a border town located at the edge of the desert
Separated by barbed wire, language, and culture
Where some experience heaven on earth and others a living hell
But with a little planning and vigilance you can still have a great vacation
Patience will get you through the long lines at the border crossing
Make reservations to avoid places like the Hotel California
It is a dirty place where the ceilings are covered in mirrors
The beds ruined from too many sailors and underage drinkers
However it is better to take a break than to travel too late at night
So if you must check-in … sleep on the chair
In the morning greet the locals with a “Buenos dias”
Talk to the other visitors to find the best deals
Shun the man who knows where you can get beer for a quarter
Where the cost of human flesh is also a bargain
Find the small cafe, a stucco alcove, nestled in the heart of town
Drink only bottled water, nothing with ice and avoid the salad
Enjoy the shredded meat, hot chili, fried eggs and corn tortillas
Your servers’ names might be Jose, Maria, Javier, or Consuela
With jet black hair, olive complexions and dark brown eyes
Their musical voices, beautiful smiles and easy laughter
Will make you feel like family and you will want to come back...
That's before the drug dealers moved in to town.
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