Friday, February 7, 2014

Service Dog

I’m a Labrador retriever never meant to be a pet.
I was taken as a puppy checked out by the vet
and determined I was perfect to begin a regime
of very serious training to become part of a team

of legendary guide dogs trained to be the sight
for people like my Dad to help resolve their plight

I tell him where to step, when to stop and where to turn.
He brushes me at night and takes care of my concerns.
I still have fun and like to frolic in the hot or in the cold.
My name is Stanley and I am an active three year old.

Daddy never leaves me home, he says I’m better than a cane.
When you see us walking, talk to us and he will explain.
I am working and even though I like my treats of popcorn and ice
when you see my halter on, my mind is on him, he follows my advice.

We are best of friends I watch out and try to do things right
He in turn invites me up to sleep with him at night.
We started out as strangers but we discovered what we had
because he learned to really love me and Man, I love my Dad.

Modified from collaboration poem with J & D Lloyd for Norwalk
in honor of all services dogs. 

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