I always thought it was
a sham;
people who suffered much but put on a smile
acting as if everything was fine,
research has proven the discrepancy
in their thinking about their reality
people who suffered much but put on a smile
acting as if everything was fine,
research has proven the discrepancy
in their thinking about their reality
creates a gap… a dark hole
which happy thoughts and happy words
can never fill. By not acknowledging the truth
they’re quick to anger and aggressively force
circumstances to fit their pictures
rather than to face what is really happening in their lives.
There can be no growth, if failure is never acknowledged
nothing can change if pretense and make-believe
cover-up the truth with sleeping pills and mood adjusters
better to suffer what
there is to suffer,
get strength from the
bottom rung of life
make decisions and
get moving
to make the real changes the heart desires.
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