The earth would return
to a natural state if shears,
machetes, axes, hand saws,
or gas powered blades to rip
through the flesh of vegetative
growth had never been invented.
Oxygen would be abundant
insect and animal life bountiful.
So on this hot summer day
when so many are out at the beach at play
I’m in my backyard with shears in hand
carefully cutting back the morning glories.
However green and inviting the plant may be
it wants to return to the wild, covering fences
and walls and less aggressive plants.
Even if I cut it down to its roots
and clear it out of the yard,
one little piece can send out tendrils
to root again and in no time take hold
reminding me I’m only a visitor,
but in the meantime I’m ahead of the game
and will sit back to enjoy the bloom
of the trimmed morning glories.
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