Traveling along a four lane highway
in the middle of a snowstorm
thrilling for the initiate
dangerous for the qualified
A patch of black ice
and everything changes
a semi truck slides off
the edge of the mountain
Sprinkles like powder sugar
cover the windshield
layers of white dust
camouflage surrounding areas
Sudden bursts from
branches laden with snow
poof and then again poof
like fireworks along the roadway
Several deer in the meadow
elk on the rocks
along the sky line, subtle
movements give them away
Before the storm is done
slush like a 7/11 treat
spilled upon the asphalt
causing cars to slide about
Once seasons
had a definite division
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
but lately boundaries smudge
My camera can’t catch
what I have described
the lens fogs and image blurs
trapped in memory for eternity.
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