After minutes of pure terror
own survival confirmed
the dust settles
and vultures descend
to sift through debris
and walk away with treasures
from abandoned homes.
Quick thefts, before anyone
can stop them, gone before
the sun sets. First the scavengers
then the real thieves;
insurance companies
government officials
and land developers,
swooping in when people are down
with no social structures
to protect them until
after reconstruction begins.
Devastated and in a state of shock,
home gone, car gone, job gone,
victims don’t have the ability
to make good decisions
so leave everything for foragers
who will certainly make a profit,
even the CEO for Red Cross
gets a huge salary
from the generosity
of compassionate
Yet, good neighbors come in droves
with food, water and clothes.
Little things to make the transitions
offering immediate services
and help with relocation.
Out of the rubble a Phoenix can rise.
However overwhelming the tragedy
people can emerge,
stronger than before.