Friday, January 7, 2011

Language of Love

Some say the language of love is universal

but if this is true why is divorce so rampant?

Obviously something is not being communicated effectively.

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,”

My mother's words suggest that becoming a good cook

is an effective way to attract a man and keep him

for a lifetime, but if he gets too fat it's bad for his heart

and that can’t be good for love in the long run.

“He never says, I love you.”

A frequent complaint but for some,

the words of love are the entry port

for the feelings of love to take hold

and without them all other efforts are worthless.

Time invested in romance is good for the soul.

“Can’t she tell I love her by all that I do?”

For many men actions of love

speak louder than words and are envied

by women who are married to a man

who doesn’t know how to work with his hands.

Open your eyes to recognize when love is given.

“For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health…”

These words are part of the wedding vows, but hard to keep

when the partner gets sick or loses his job.

How does love triumph when things go sour

and how does it sustain itself when it’s not reciprocal

in a communication style each person understands?

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