December 11, 2007
January couldn’t come fast enough since I heard that prices would be slashed by half after the holiday season. With the cost of gas and the big trip we took this year it seemed too expensive but here it is at the reduced price.
"Originally $30,000 now at 50% off. Only $15,000 until January 31st."
It seemed a worthy gift after fifty years of marriage but how can I persuade Jim to part with the cash for something he sees as frivolous? He paid three times that for a car but doesn't see how a gift like this is worth the cost? At my age there is very little I need or want. I haven’t been shopping in years. Children in the world are starving but I can’t stop dreaming about this bauble. Have I gone completely mad?
December 12, 2007
I’ve been rummaging through my house looking for things to sell in order to buy the ring for my anniversary. I want it and I will have it. I talked to Jim last night and, as expected, he laughed and called me a silly old woman.
December 13, 2007
I found Jim’s insurance policy. I could afford the ring if he was out of the picture.
December 14, 2007
Sara is coming down from Seattle for the holidays. She agreed to help me with the garage sale. I’ve gone through the cupboards and closets and pulled out kitchen items, some old paintings, vintage clothing, and I’ve cleared the living room of knick-knacks. I’ve got a lot of stuff but I don’t think I’ll make more than $1,000.
December 16, 2007
Surprise we cleared $1900. The big dollar items were some old paintings that somebody knew was worth something. I gave Sara $400 for helping me. I have to find a way to make another $13,500. She suggested I sell my car on e-bay. I’m going to do it. Here is my ad: I will include a picture.
December 17, 2007
Jim and I argued about the sale of the car. He has the Cadillac he bought last year and does all the driving so we don’t need a second car, I told him but he is still angry. Collecting on his insurance looks better and better.
December 18, 2007
I sold the Bonneville for $7,500. The new owner will pick it up today. Jim is out golfing. I haven’t spoken to him all day. I won’t tell him how much I got for it. I only need $6,000 more for the ring.
December 27, 2007
Sara and the kids left this morning. I received some nice gifts for Christmas but mostly gift cards. I hate gift cards. I’d rather have cash. I’ll see if I can buy some items and return them for cash. It will take longer but I really don’t need stuff at my age… but why am I obsessing about this ring?
December 29, 2007
I could get credit back on my gift cards but no cash so I purchased items at 70% off and I’ll see if I can sell them on e-bay at a profit.
December 31, 2007
I made $500. I’ve found my diamond hairpins. They are classic but with my hair thinning I never wear them. Maybe I could go through a consignment shop or a dealer. I’ve got to get creative I only need $5,500 more.
January 3, 2008
I spoke to a dealer and he was willing to take the $9,500 I have in cash and keep my diamond hairpins and two other pieces of jewelry on consignment. If he can’t sell them for the remaining amount within the month I'll pay the difference with an installment plan. In exchange I get the marquise diamond and ruby ring right now. It is so beautiful. It captures the light and sparkles with such radiance. I’ve never been so happy.
January 4, 2008
Jim saw the ring on my finger and instead of wishing me a happy anniversary he started yelling. I don’t know why he was so angry. I sold things that were just lying around and got something I really wanted. He’s never been so aggressive. He tried to pull the ring off my finger. I had to defend myself and pushed him away. He tripped and hit his head on the stone fireplace. His neck is bent kind of weird and he doesn’t seem to be breathing. I’ve already called the paramedics. They’ve called the coroner and police. Maybe I should call the insurance adjuster as well.
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