Saturday, July 31, 2010

Coffee & Donuts

The grease in the deep fryer sizzles
she dips the basket of donuts into hot oil
a few minutes and out comes clumps of fried dough
drizzled in glaze and spread out on a tray to cool.
Cost $2.95 a dozen for small tasty sweets.

Eat one a day and watch your thighs swell,
your cheeks puff out, and your chin double.

Have it with a cup of black coffee
you don’t need the extra calories from sugar and cream
these dough balls will do the job all on their own
they take a youthful figure and plump it up
with rolls of fat...opulence for the working class.

Eaten in offices during coffee breaks,
shared with fellow workers it’s an addictive taste

for police officers and city employees
from the mayor to the secretaries who indulge
on these morsels of sugary pleasure
to break up the boredom of public works

the drudgery of paper shuffling
interfacing and categorizing,
charging fees for simple tasks

and retiring on 100% salaries at 55
plump and fully satisfied.

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