His toys are all scattered on the floor
“Play with me,” he called out.
“I’m too busy. I’ve got cupcakes
to bake and errands to run
I don’t have time for this nonsense,
Clean up son, we’ve got to go.”
After the groceries are bought
and art supplies picked up
we drive by a park and he shouts,
“Stop, let me play on the swings.”
“There’s no time, I’ve got things to do,
daddy will be home in a little while
there’s dinner to fix, and laundry to wash
maybe tomorrow we’ll play in the park.
I’ll read you a story when it gets dark.”
Night time comes with a rush, dishes to
wash and programs to watch, “Just give me
a kiss and take your bath
be a good boy then climb into bed.”
In the quiet evening guilt settles in
I can’t sleep and go take a peek
to watch him lie so silently.
Why didn’t I take time to play?
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
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